SuperMama Journey

Welcome to my little fairytale world..Wife & Mama’s journey hood..My Blog a.k.a my diary..story bout my value of life.. Story of mylife bout My lovely Mr Hubby.. My Littleman Nur Danish Aniq..My Family & xde kne mengena dgn hidup sesiapa wic not belong in my life..Dont like me? COOL, I don’t wake up & blogging everyday to IMPRESS you.. If you do not like my blog, please do not read it & why would you follow my story..This blog is supposed to be my safe place to vent and process feelings I can & can't in real life. If you cannot handle what I write about then don't read it..Stalker plz behave wen u enter my privacy & plz RESPECT. I have my own life& style not trying to plz u or make u smile...My blog is for people who might able to get some help from it & ikhlas to share the story..Clearly I have enough people in my real life who don't give a crap about me..Jgn jdikn blog sye utk menambah dosa anda by dat btter just leave & go to a certain someone else's blog I'm sure you favor..Dont hate me juz bcz ur jelousz bout my wonderful life & respect their jealousy cz people tink dat im better den dem...if rse xnk mengalah nk copycat my pleasure tuk jdikn sye ur feveret challenge n be my biggest fans.Hidup kne bermoral & kne bermaruah & jgn jdikn blog utk mencemarkn image dri sendri..Let beauty fill ur life & happiness ur heart..FACT : HATERS don’t really hate me. In fact, they hate themselves bcoz I am a reflection of wat they wish to be...Inside every CONFIDENT girl is a FRAGILE Princess..Be NICE!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Shopping : Shopping : Shopping

Since last week plan wanna go shopping with Mr H.u.b.b.y to buy L.i.t.t.l.e.m.a.n stufz & also o.u.r stuffz.. So yes I did love shopping and spending my money with stuffs I so much.. Each time i go to the mall i always make sure that i go to my favorite store.. Handbag, shoes, clothes, make up ooo i really addicted with dat kind of stuffz.. Before i buy something for me i always like to go to men's clothing to see if there is anything that are on sale or something that i think Mr H.u.b.b.y would to...

Alhamdulillah ade rezeki lebih blhlah bersoping lebih.. Masa ni k.a.m.i of cz kne jimat cermat tuk persediaan menyambut kehadiran L.i.t.t.l.e.m.a.n yg bakal lahir xlme je lgi.. So far, jln² je tgk brg baby.. Seronok plak rsenye.. Pengalaman pertama katakan.. berbelanja pun lebih ckit tuk baby 1st ni.. Alhamdulillah keperluan l.i.t.t.l.e.m.a.n dh 85% omoz setel... Kisah jenjalan k.a.m.i stat from Saturday till yesterday.. Hari ini ade function lain plak.. Last Saturday actlly k.a.m.i jauh ckit ke shah alam tuk meguruskan study saya.. Alhamdulillah proses cuti khas sudah pon setel... Boleh bernafas seperti biasa.. Kalau tak, risau memanjang... After dat, k.a.m.i lunch kt 1 tempat yg pernah k.a.m.i gi mse dlu²..hihi

Selera Ibu Mengandung

Badak chumbu mmg suka mkn sayur

 :♥: 3 hari berturut² k.a.m.i jenjalan kt Mid Valley cz ade sumting nk usha skali sempay menyinggah membeli Stage make up set.. Ade BIG promotion.. Tggu ape lgi JOMLA SHOPING!!

♥What can I say..I'm Unique..I am Myself.. Juz Being Me..Peace Love Happinez♥

9 CeLoteH ChiT cHaT:

MrS JaJa said... stage best yer awk?

NM02 said...

best tak stage?

ZSqueenbee said...

ja, make up stage ok tau wak..hrga pun reasonable..mcm MAC jugak but the price best..skrg ni mmg promo best gilerr..murah tahap gaban...

ZSqueenbee said...

sis, best best..sye pon bru je guna.. foundation stage ok..

ZZnoor said...

sila sila..ber'stage' ramai2!!

wa..ckp badak chumbu suke makan sayur ye?? mmg suke pownnn!!! hihi!!!

rose said...

stage?? x pernah lg try.. best ker? nk compare gan MAC.. mana lg best..

ZSqueenbee said...

Hubby, chebuk je awk ye..

bnda baik mstilah d kongsi bersama..hihi

ye badak sye suke sayur..

ZSqueenbee said...

Dear, stage cmpre ngn MAC for me ikut kulit jugak..sye guna foundation MAC berminyak.My Mum pun guna MAC so far ok jela..hrga mmg MAC mahal cmpre stage..stage reasonble lgi kalo nk bli..

wahida said...

restoran cili merah tu Linda Onn punya kan?